Forthis Shuten-dōji, we have incorporated the concept of a sumo yokozuna and usingthe famous sumo loincloth as an element. When you open the loincloth, you'llfind a big monster mouth inside, as the legend goes, Shuten-dōji feeds onvirgins, so the big mouth also symbolizes male genitalia.
Also,the Shuten-dōji must not be without the giant monster head with its flowinghair, a common appearance in ukiyo-e. Although the ukiyo-e did not depict thecreature with 5 large horns and 15 eyes, I have combined these details fromvarious sources and added them to the story.
Onthe head, there are two large horns and three small horns, and the eyes includean additional 12 placed inside the main eyes as compound eyes, with the finaleye positioned on the forehead, giving it the exact appearance of the ukiyo-estyle and preserving the story's details.
Next,on the right shoulder, two samurai swords are embedded, and on the leftshoulder, there's a warrior's shoulder plate as a trophy. On closer inspection,the shoulder plate is actually hooked into the flesh. On the back, there’s fourdecapitated heads hanging on the waist, representing fearlessness and countlessvictories.
AsShuten-dōji is known for its love for sake, I have made a bold attempt byinserting four sake bottles on the back, which can be taken out for theShuten-dōji to hold and drink from at any time.